Everybody Has A Story. Every Story Has A Soundtrack.
Throughout history, we’ve been graced with the expression of a language that needs no translation. It is the language of music, and it’s sound is that which metaphorically paints the most vivid of colors for us, inspiring us to add vibrance to our everyday , to help our soul express a seemingly endless array of emotion, and to breathe energy and life into the world we know.
For many of us, music can so powerfully help us recall moments in our lives, almost as if watching a movie and experiencing each scene again. And for the artists that help put these auditory memories back into our life, there are stories of their own; stories of hope, loss, joy, sorrow, madness, and seemingly every emotional stop along the way.
Everybody has a story. Every story has a soundtrack.
This is their story. And this is the soundtrack they’ve made for the world.
Take a listen.